Tonight I arrived home from work to find the sitting room floor covered in what looked like the droppings of psychedelic mice on acid, but which turned out to be the contents of the Hama bead kit the girls got for Christmas. At this point they are just gone to bed and I have decanted the said beads from every cereal bowl we possess, so we have something to eat breakfast off in the morning.
Was just thinking - am I the only working mum who looks on going back to work on a Monday as a rest? Nothing specifically bad at the week-end but I was SOOO tired. Himself away, my lovely Irish Au Pair visiting her folks, and me in sole charge, I didn't speak to another adult between leaving work on Friday and Macca ringing from New Zealand last night. Unless you count ordering a latte at Costa's and exchanging pleasantries at the checkout in Tesco.
Am now contemplating the night's TV viewing. Can I stay up for Nurse Jackie? Scary that I am starting to identify with her, minus the pills, and the affair, of course, there but for the grace as they say....